Pole Style postitantsu klubisse tulevad Maria Pipkina ja Dmitri Shevchenko – Iisraeli kaks parimat postiakrobaatika sportlast!
Kahe päeva jooksul toimub erinevate stiilidega pole workshopid: Pole Tricks (beginners, advanced), Pole Modern, Pole Power, Pole Exotic.
Kui soovi osaleda, siis kirjuta: in**@sk**.ee. Lisainfot küsi telefonilt: 614 0075
NB Registreerumine on juba alanud!
MARIA PIPKINA The athlete and coach in Pole Dance, Pole Artistic and Pole Exotic. In this sport since 2011, successfully participates in competitions since 2013.
Maria combines Pole Dance with ball dance, the ballet and also other dancing directions such as a strip dance and a modernist style. Maria is a two-time winner of the competition Four Season Ball, in the nomination Pro–am show ballroom dances. he representative of female Street workout in Israel. Street workout – the power direction or Street fitness — a kind of mass sport, includes performance of various exercises on street athletic fields, namely on horizontal bars, bars, the Swedish walls, horizontal ladders and other designs, or in general without their use (on the earth).
Maria participated in various projects with the choreographer and director Alexey Samsonov, for example – A concert on poles under the name “Behind a Curtain” 2012, “Windows” 2013.
Maria perfectly combines the dancing career with teaching. In 2013 Maria in cooperation with Alexey Samsonov opened the first school of pole dance – “Pole House”. A year later two more branches were opened. Pole House is one of leading Pole and dancing schools in Israel. Every six month we arrange competitions for our athletes in Pole House and combine these with master classes with pole dancing’s stars.
Maria Pipkina’s regalia:
– Miss Pole Dance, Aphrodiziac, Saint Petersburg, 2013 – 2 place
– Miss Pole Dance, Elite, Moscow 2014 – WINNER!
– Miss Pole Dance Israel, 2014 – WINNER!
DMITRI SHEVCHENKO – Trainer in Pole House Studio middle and advance level, Street workout instructor. Stretching, aerobic, cardio boxing, Trx, Acro balance.
1-Place in Couples in championship of Pole Sport Elite Moscow-2014
1-Place in Couples in championship of Israel-2014
2-Place in Champion of Israel-2014 PoleArt Professionals.
2-Place in Pole Sport International 2014
6-Place in Pole Art Cyprus-2014